PCR Boot Camp

PCR Machine

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been hailed as one of the most important advances in molecular biology and is an indispensable tool in biomedical research. The objective of this intensive 5-day hands-on training is to impart transferrable skills on planning, setting-up, running and analysing PCR experiments.

Polymerase Chain Reaction

Participants will be taken through principles of DNA replication, types and variants of PCR, and PCR principles and workflows. They will learn how to design and synthesize primers, prepare samples, design PCR assays, set up software, and apply PCR in DNA cloning for sequencing, functional gene analysis, disease diagnosis, paternity testing, and forensics. PCR Optimization and validation will also be taught. The course is right for any person who has an interest in starting to use PCR or current new users who want further training on Gene Expression Applications.       Continue Reading »

Dates: Every first week of the month.
Duration: 5 days.
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya.

The course is right for any person who has an interest in starting to use PCR or current new users who want further training on Gene Expression Applications.

  • Kshs. 20,000/- (Inclusive of VAT 16%) for East African residents. Non-East African students pay 25% more on all charges.The registration fee covers tuition, laboratory consumables, course notes and refreshments.Please note that fees are payable in advance. Joining instructions will not be sent out until payment has been made in full.

  • Groups with a minimum of 5 people will enjoy a 10% discount and early bird registration (at least 2 weeks before the start) will be offered a 5% discount
  • There will be a 10% administrative charge for cancellations received in writing up to 20 working days before the start of the course. No refunds will be made for cancellations received within 20 working days of the course start date or for the inability to attend the course for whatever reasons. KIBs is not liable for non-attendance due to travel disruptions, health problems or any other reason that might lead to a delegate not being able to attend the course. Substitutions may, of course, be made at any time, providing you inform us in writing.
  • Fee is payable by bankers cheque or cash deposit to: Fee is payable by bankers cheque or MPESA to: Bioinformatics Institute of Kenya. A/C No. 01192845321700, Cooperative Bank, Co-op House Branch, Nairobi, Kenya. SWIFT Code KCOOKENAXXX. Branch Code: XXX. MPESA PAY BILL: Business number: 400222. Account number: 1679821#PCR. PAYPAL: [email protected].


To register, please download the booking form fill it and send it to us through: Email: [email protected].

Affymetrix GeneChip Fluidics Station 450
Software and online resources: R v.3.1.2, Bioconductor, GEO, ArrayExpress
Course material including a comprehensive training manual and a CD with software
  1. Principles of DNA replication
  2. PCR Types and Variants
    • Allele-specific PCR:
    • Assembly PCR
    • Asymmetric PCR
    • Dial-out PCR
    • Digital PCR
    • Helicase-dependent amplification
    • Hot start PCR
    • In silico PCR
    • Intersequence-specific PCR (ISSR)
    • Inverse PCR
    • Ligation-mediated PCR
    • Methylation-specific PCR (MSP)
    • Miniprimer PCR
    • Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification (MLPA)
    • Multiplex-PCR
    • Nanoparticle-Assisted PCR (nanoPCR)
    • Nested PCR
    • Overlap-extension PCR
    • PAN-AC
    • quantitative PCR (qPCR)
    • Real-time PCR
    • Reverse Transcription PCR (RT-PCR)
    • Solid Phase PCR
    • Suicide PCR
    • Thermal asymmetric interlaced PCR (TAIL-PCR)
    • Touchdown PCR (Step-down PCR)
    • Universal Fast Walking
  3. PCR principles and workflows
    • Initialization
    • Denaturation
    • Annealing
    • Extension/elongation
    • Final elongation
    • Final hold
  4. Thermal Cycler components
  5. Primer design and synthesis
  6. Sample preparation: choice of the correct extraction/purification method
  7. Assay design: from sequence to primer and probe
  8. Software set-up and analysis
  9. Applications of PCR
    • DNA cloning for sequencing
    • Functional gene analysis
    • Disease diagnosis
    • Paternity testing
    • Forensics
  10. PCR Optimization and validation

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