How to Access KENCLUST Remotely

Prepared by Angus A. Nassir

Analysis of biological data is a computationally expensive exercise. It requires one to use a computer that has high processing power and speed and a large storage space. It also needs a secure and reliable system with high uptime which is unaffected by power cuts, one that provides centralized backup, provides controls on authorization and access, and allows a team to create project workspaces that can be shared online in a cost-effective manner. Besides, ideal systems for the analysis of biological data need to be flexible, allowing users to share resources remotely without geographical constraints, leading to greater efficiency and collaboration. We have created KenClust, a supercomputer that fulfills these requirements. KenClust is equipped with software capable of performing both basic and complex bioinformatics tasks.

In this post, I describe how to remotely access KenClust from a Windows computer using PUTTY.

How to install PUTTY.

PUTTY is an open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application that allows one to remotely access Linux servers from a Windows computer.

Step 1: click the link below to download the installation package.

Installation link

If your operating system is 64 bit select the 64-bit installer otherwise select the 32-bit installer

PUTTY download page
The download will begin immediately

PUTTY download in progress

Step 2: click on the downloaded file then click the “run” tab

running PUTTY installer
Step 3: click Next once the installer starts

PUTTY default installation folder

Step 4: click Next to install PUTTY in the default folder

PUTTY installation

Step 5: Enable all options and click Install

PUTTY default installation folder

Step 6: Click Finish to exit the installer once the installation completes

PUTTY default installation folder

Step 7: double click on the shortcut icon to start PUTTY
Step 8: go to our HPC website page and subscribe to a plan using the link below: Subscribe

The IP address and password will be sent to your email. You will use these to log in to KENCLUST. You can change your password later.

Step 9: enter the IP address sent to your email
Step 10: give your session a name and click on the “save” tab


KENCLUST subscription plans

Step 11: click on the name of your saved session and start the session by clicking the “load” button

loading PUTTY sessions

Step 12: enter the login name sent to your and hit the “Enter” button
Step 13: type in the password sent to you

loging in to remote server using PUTTY

Congratulations! You are now inside your folder in the KenClust server.

PUTTY default installation folder

Next, we look at how to get files from your computer to your folder in the server and from the server to your local hard drive.

NEXT >> File Transfer from Server to Local Computer and back