When a child’s paternity is in question, a DNA test will provide answers.
The DNA Paternity Test is carried out to determine if a man is actually the biological father of a child. We can determine whether a man IS or IS NOT a particular child’s father with an accuracy of up to 99.9999%. We can also perform a DNA test using samples from the brother’s father if the alleged father is not available.
30,000.00 Kshs

99.999% Accurate
Our standard 24-marker DNA test involves comparison of 24 different genetic markers in the DNA of the child, father, and mother. The DNA test is based on the fact that 50% of a child’s DNA is inherited from the father and 50% from the mother. At 23 of the 24 locations, a person has 2 numbers each one derived from either parent. This DNA test provides maximum statistical power and is superior to the DNA tests commonly used by most law enforcement labs in the entire Africa.
A paternity index (PI) score of 1 is assigned to each marker that matches the alleged father’s and the child’s DNA profile while a PI score of 0 is assigned to every non-match. The PI is the likelihood ratio that indicates whether the evidence fits better with the hypothesis that the man is the father or with the hypothesis that someone else is the father.
The combined paternity index (CPI) is then computed by multiplying the PIs then converted to a probability of paternity value. The larger the CPI, the more strongly the hypothesis that the alleged father is the true biological father is supported by the genetic evidence. The alleged father is ruled out as the biological father if he does not share a number in common at 3 or more genetic systems. We are also capable of providing further tests and statistical analyses in complicated cases leading to accurate and irrefutable results.
We are the best rated DNA testing service in East Africa
Required Samples
For the paternity test, samples from the alleged father and child / children are required. It is not a must to send the mother’s sample. For siblingship DNA test, samples from the alleged brothers/sisters are required. The mother’s sample may strengthen the results in siblingship tests. For avuncular (aunt/uncle DNA test), samples from the paternal uncle or aunt known to be born by the same mother to the alleged father are required. For grandparent DNA tests, samples from the paternal grandmother are required.
Acceptable samples for DNA include:
Confidential and Discrete DNA Test
We maintain utmose confidentiality and discretion. Identifying information may be removed and samples coded to conceal identity. Third parties cannot access your data. Reports that are stored in the database are encrypted and no identifyig information is attached.
Consent to Test
Anyone aged 18 and above will sign their own consent, authorizing us to analyze their samples for purposes of determining a biological relationship. For minors, legal guardians or adults with parental responsibilities will sign consent on behalf of the minors.
Complicated Cases
We have the ability to deal with complicated cases. Complicated cases include poor quality samples with low concentration of DNA, contaminated samples, trace samples from items such as well washed clothes or diapers, samples without any visual biological trails, among others.
Prenatal DNA Paternity Test for Unborn Babies
The prenatal test determines whether a particular man is the biological father of an unborn child. The prenatal paternity test is done before a baby is born to determine whether a particular man is the real biological father of the unborn baby. There are two types of prenatal paternity test namely:
The NIPT Paternity Test
To do the test, a small volume of fluid is collected from the pregnant mother’s womb is by inserting a needle through the abdomen in a process called amniocentesis. The child’s sample can alternatively be obtained through a process called chorionic villus sampling (CVS) where a sample of tissue from the placenta is collected by passing a needle through the wall of the abdomen, or passing a small tube through the vagina and the neck of the womb (cervix). The amniotic fluid or CVS samples are used to get the child’s DNA profile and compared with the alleged father’s sample. The mother’s sample is also collected.
The alleged father’s sample and the mother’s samples are preferably obtained using buccal (mouth swabs).
Amniocentesis and CVS Sampling are associated with several risks however. Women who undergo amniocentesis or CVS sampling are at an increased risk of cramping and bleeding. Nearly 1% of women who go through these procedure also stand at a small risk of miscarriage. If you need to do this test, you will need to consult your obstetrician gynecologist or family doctor first. Alternatively, you can consider the non-invasive prenatal paternity test (NIPPT) which is 100% safe.
Samples can be Collected at Home
We have simplified the process of conducting a DNA test and made it easy and conveneient for everyone. There are 4 options to choose from:.
DNA Results Take Only 7 working Days
Results are out in 7 working days. You can choose to receive results in your email. We can also send your hard copy results via courier or you can come and pick the hard copy yourself. Soft copies are protected by a password and cannot be edited. They are only sent to the officially designated email addresses.
Court-Admissible DNA Reports
If the test is required for legal purposes, the participants must physically come to the lab for sample collection. A chain-of-custody procedure will be followed and an additional fee of 2,000 kshs levied for notarization of the report by an advocate. Proof of identity of the participants will be required (i.e. National ID Card/passport, and birth certificate for the child).
- National ID Card or passport
- Minor’s birth certificate
- Signed consent
- Chain of custody forms
Testing when the Alleged Father is Absent
Paternity can be determined even if the alleged father is unavailable due to death, disappearance or physical separation. In place of the unavailable man, testing may be done using the following samples:

The Non-Invasive Prenatal Test
The non-invasive prenatal paternity test (NIPPT) is done before a baby is born to determine whether a particular man is the real biological father of the unborn baby. The test is 100% safe to the mother and child because fetal cells are obtained from maternal plasma and there’s no need of amniocentesis. Advantages of NIPPT include:
100% safe. The test does not expose the mother or the child to any risk.
The test can also help you know the gender of the child
Fast – results come out in 10 working days
The accuracy of the test is 99.99%
Testing can be done from as early as week 7 of pregnancy
You can chose whether you want a legal or peace-of-mind report
We have convenient appointments to suit your schedule
Unlike the invasive test where the amniotic fluid sample from the mother is drawn using amniocentesis, only the maternal blood is used in this test and fetal DNA is obtained from the maternal blood
The test has been scientifically validated and approved and is done using the most advanced scientific methods and DNA high-sequencing instruments. A rigorous bioinformatics analysis helps to provide accurate and reliable results. You can click here to read the publications