STEP 1: Order for your Sample Collection Kit

1.How many people will be tested?

    (a). Individuals

4. Choose your currency

Preferred courier

STEP 2: Collect samples according to the instruction leaflet in the kit

STEP 3: Send us the Samples

Pack the samples in the provided mailing envelope as explained in the instruction leaflet and send using a reliable courier to: Bioinformatics Institute of Kenya, Viraj Complex opposite JKIA Junction, Mombasa Road, P.O. BOX 106148-00101, Nairobi, Kenya.

STEP 4: Pay the Processing Fee

1.Type of Test Required

2. Choose your currency

STEP 5: Get your Results

Your results will be sent to your email within 5 days after receiving your samples. A copy will be stored in the KENDDA Database